Plakias Walk 1
This walk takes you from Plakias along the beaches east of Plakias to Lefkogeia. This walk offers great views of the shoreline and all the beaches alongside of it and on the way from Shinaria Beach to Lefkogeia there are stunning panoramas towards Plakias and the valley east of Plakias. There are plenty of places for a refreshment and/or food along the way.
The walk is mostly flat with 300 meters of walking and climbing on and over sharp rocks between Ammoudi and Shinaria, and 1km going up on a paved road from Shinaria to Lefkogeia.

Between the beaches of Ammoudi and Damnoni you can choose to walk the short but steep path up to the beautiful Agios Paisios chapel, with stunning views over the beaches below.

Alternatively, you can include the walk up and around Mount/Cape Kakomouri (at the end of Plakias Beach), which means a kilometre of going up more, but the reward is an amazing view over Plakias and beyond.

You can take the bus back to Plakias or call a taxi in one of tavernas. Click on the KTEL logo for the latest up to date bus timetables (choose "departure from Rethymno") and check both Rethymno-Plakias and Preveli-Plakias. Or if you are not too tired yet you can walk back along the water canals (walk 3).

Walks 6 and 7 connect to this walk.

You will find the directions for this walk below the map (printable for personal use only) and a few photos.

Enjoy the beauty of Plakias and surroundings. Don't forget to leave only your footprints!

Plakias, Crete, Greece, walk, walks, hike, hikes, walking, hiking, Plakias hikes, Plakias walks, Kreta, Griechenland, Spaziergang, Spaziergänge, Wanderung, Wanderungen, Wandern, Spazieren, Plakias Wanderungen, Griekenland, wandelen, wandelingen, Plakias wandelingen, Crète, Grèce, promenade, promenades, randonnée, randonnées, marche, randonnées Plakias, promenades Plakias, Creta, Grecia, passeggiata, escursioni, escursioni a Plakias, passeggiate a Plakias, Plakias cammina, Lefkogeia, Damnoni, Ammoudaki, Ammoudi, Klisidi, Shinaria, beach, beaches, scenic views, Agios Paisios chapel, viewpoint, spiaggia, spiagge, viste panoramiche, cappella di Agios Paisios, punto panoramico, strand, stranden, mooie uitzichten, Agios Paisios kapel, uitzichtspunt, plage, plages, vues panoramiques, chapelle Agios Paisios, point de vue, Strand, Strände, malerische Aussicht, Kapelle Agios Paisios, Aussichtspunkt

Plakias, Greece